Starting a Genie session from a phone using Caller ID

You can start a Genie session from a phone using a Caller ID.

To start a Genie session, perform the following tasks:
  1. Call the Direct Access number for your home site, using either your desk phone or cell phone.
  2. You should be automatically authenticated based on your Caller ID. The Genie says, "Good morning, [FirstName]. [Chime] Vocera."
    Note: Depending on your Vocera permissions and the phone you used to make the call, the Genie may prompt for your first and last name, and then prompt for your phone access password.
  3. Say any of the supported commands.

    If the Genie asks you a question that requires a yes or no response, you can press the 1 key to answer "yes" or the 2 key to answer "no.