Blocking and Accepting Calls

You can use voice commands to enable and disable call blocking you.

You can use the following voice commands to block or accept calls. Some of these commands offer more flexibility than the comprehensive blocking provided by the Hold/DND button.

Action Recommended Commands
Block calls

Block all calls. *

Block all calls from John Smith. *

Block all calls except from John Smith. *

Block all calls except from Tech Support. *

Accept calls

Accept all calls. *

Accept all calls from John Smith. *

Accept all calls except from John Smith. *

Accept all calls except from Tech Support. *

Find out who is currently blocked from calling your badge Who is blocked?

When you activate call blocking, some calls may still be put through. VIP buddies or a person with VIP status can optionally breakthrough, and an urgent call or urgent broadcast is always connected.

If you are blocking calls, the Genie tells VIP buddies and callers who have VIP Status that you are not accepting calls right now, and asks them "Do you want me to break through?" If they confirm, the Genie calls your badge or phone and asks if you want to take the call. VIP Status is a permission granted by the system administrator.

Urgent calls and broadcasts always break through. You do not get the opportunity to reject them. The system administrator must grant a user permission to make urgent calls and broadcasts.

Note: You must have special permission to issue block and accept call commands.