Starting a Care Team Chat

You can start a group chat with some or all of the members of the care team assigned to a patient, with the patient as the context of the group chat.

Note: This option is available to you only if your administrator has granted you permission to view patient data.
  1. In the panel that displays the list of conversations, click the New icon.
  2. From the pop-up menu that appears, select New Group Chat.

    The Start A Group Chat panel appears.

  3. To specify a patient that this conversation is to be about, click Patient. The Start a Group Chat panel changes color to indicate that the conversation now has a patient context. Patients that are assigned to you are displayed.

    Do one of the following to select the patient for this conversation.

    In the Search field, type two or more letters or numbers to display a list of all patients whose name or location matches the text that you have typed. In this list, click a patient name to specify this patient as the context.

    Click the name of your department to list all patients belonging to members of the department. In this list, click a patient name to specify this patient as the context.

    Click a patient name to specify this patient as the context.

  4. After you have created the patient context, click Care Team to display the care team for this patient if it is not already displayed.

  5. Click the names of one or more care team members to include them as chat participants, or click next to the patient name to include the entire care team.
  6. Click Start Chat to start the group chat with the patient care team members.

You can also send a message to a patient's care team quickly. To do this, right-click on the patient name and select Message Care Team from the popup menu that appears.