Starting a Multi-User Conversation

You can start a multi-user conversation with two or more users.

  1. In the Home screen, tap the Chat icon at the bottom of the screen.

    The Start A Chat screen appears.

    If your department is not visible, your administrator has configured your system to not display your department on this screen.

  2. In the ribbon at the top of the screen, tap Staff if it is not already selected.
  3. Tap Multiselect.

    Checkboxes appear to the left of each favorite.

  4. Select the contacts with which you want to have a conversation:
    1. To select favorites, tap the checkbox to the left of each favorite to add the favorite to the conversation. (See About Favorites for more information on Favorites.)
    2. To select members of a group, tap on the group to display the members of the group, then tap the checkbox to the left of a member to add the member to the conversation. If the group contains subgroups, tap a subgroup name to display its members.

  5. Tap Start to start the conversation.

You can define a context for a multi-user conversation. See Creating a Conversation Context for details.