Do Not Disturb for Calls

When Do Not Disturb for Calls is specified, callers are told that you are unavailable, and they are invited to leave a message.

If you set Do Not Disturb for Calls while off-campus, any call forwarding that you have specified is suspended.

Some Vocera calls may still be put through even when you are in Do Not Disturb for Calls mode:

Note: You cannot use Do Not Disturb for Calls if your Vocera administrator has not installed the Vocera Voice Server on your network. If the Vocera Voice Server is not installed, your Vocera system does not have Voice capability, and the Do Not Disturb for Calls option is inaccessible.

If your device is using the iOS 12 operating system, and you have activated the operating system's Repeated Calls feature, you still hear call ringtones from the VCS app even when you have set the device's Do Not Disturb setting. To avoid this problem, turn off the Repeated Calls setting.

Vocera recommends that you use the VCS app's Do Not Disturb setting instead of the device's setting. This ensures that VCS routes your calls properly when you are not available to receive them.