Asset Summary

[Data Source: Voice Server, VCS] Summarizes the usage of asset type and version. Data included is average devices per shift, device usage trend over time, as well as counts and percentages, and counts by version. Use this dashboard to understand when and how many devices are in use.

The information displayed on the screen is determined based on the filters that you apply. The available filters are:

Table 1. Filters
Filter Name Filter Description
Date Range The date range to include in the results. By default, the value is the current date; however, you can select from a list of options. For example, you can select the option "Last 7 days" or "Last 30 days."
Facilities Used to filter data based on user facilities (common facility name) specified while mapping Vocera Voice Server User Site and Engage Facility.
Units Used to filter data based on user units (common unit name). Common unit names are referenced from a crosswalk table cwunit that are mapped from Vocera Voice Server User Department and Engage Units.

The displayed units drop-down filter may be constrained due to the Facilities filter.

Unknown Unit or Department display data for all users that are not part of any department selected within the Facilities filter.

Device Types Used to filter Vocera Voice Server devices based on the device type. It displays Badge, IOS, Android.
Device Versions Used to filter Vocera Voice Server devices based on the device version. It displays the version of devices available in the Voice Server device management.
Note: Telephone is listed as both Device Type and Version in few dashboards.
Note: To generate dashboards quickly, it is recommended that you use a short date range or fewer facilities.

Asset Summary has the following widgets:

Usage Summary

This widget summarizes the total usage of devices based on the types of the device along with its percentage of the selected time frame. Mouse over a device type or a distinct part of the donut to display its corresponding count and percentage. Click a legend to toggle the display.

For example, in this scenario:

Total number of devices used = 285

Total number of Badges used = 241

Total number of iOS devices used = 24

Total number of Android devices used = 20

Percentage of Badges used = (241/285) x 100 = 85%

Percentage of iOS devices used = (24/285) x 100 = 8%

Percentage of Android devices used = (20/285) x 100 = 7%

Note: The decimal values are rounded off to the nearest round figure.

Device Versions

This widget categorizes the devices based on the version of the device. The widget summarizes the count and its percentage for the device versions used during the selected time frame. Mouse over a device version or a distinct part of the donut to display its corresponding count and percentage. Click a legend to toggle the display.

For example, in this scenario:

Total number of devices used = 285

Total number of B2000 used = 140

Total number of B3000N used = 88

Total number of Apple VCS used = 24

Total number of Android VCS used = 20

Total number of B3000 used = 13

Percentage of B2000 used = (140/285) x 100 = 49%

Percentage of B3000N used = (88/285) x 100 = 31%

Percentage of Apple VCS used = (24/285) x 100 = 8%

Percentage of Android VCS used = (20/285) x 100 = 7%

Percentage of B3000 used = (13/285) x 100 = 5%

Average Devices per Shift

This widget displays the total assets including the different types of assets that are in use for each shift. The timeline is adaptive based on the date range. Mouse over a particular shift to display the average number of devices that were in use for each device type during the shift. Click a legend to toggle the display.

  • This widget calculates the devices by shift.
  • Two shift timings are considered in a day (24-hour period); the first shift is from 7 am to 7 pm of the first day and the second shift is from first day 7 pm to 7 am of the second day.
  • The shift timings cannot be modified.
  • To get the correct count of device used in a particular shift, ensure that the time frame you select matches the shift timings. For example, select 7 am of day 1 to 7 pm of day 2 and so on.
  • A device is counted in both shifts if it was in use during both the shift timings.

    If a device is in use from 4 pm to 10 pm, then it will be counted in 1st shift and 2nd shift because the 1st shift timings are from 7 am to 7 pm and

The following table describes an example:
Considerations Details
Date Range 7 am May 1st to 7 pm May 2nd
Shifts considered during the selected date range There are 3 shifts that are considered:
  • May 1st 7 am to 7 pm: 1st shift
  • May 1st 7 pm to 7 am May 2nd: 2nd shift
  • 7 am to 7 pm May 2nd: 1st shift

Total number of 1st shifts: 2

Total number of 2nd shifts: 1

Number of Android devices used in 1st shift
  • May 1st 7 am to 7 pm: 0
  • May 2nd 7 am to 7 pm: 2

Total Android devices used in 1st shift is (0+2) = 2

Number of Android devices used in 2nd shift May 1st 7 pm to 7 am May 2nd: 1
Number of Badges used in 1st shift
  • May 1st 7 am to 7 pm: 20
  • May 2nd 7 am to 7 pm: 22

Total Badges used in 1st shift is (20+22) = 42

Number of Badges used in 2nd shift May 1st 7 pm to 7 am May 2nd: 6
Number of iOS devices used in 1st shift
  • May 1st 7 am to 7 pm: 2
  • 7 am to 7 pm May 2nd: 0

Total iOS devices used in 1st shift (2+0) = 2

Number of iOS devices used in 2nd shift May 1st 7 pm to 7 am May 2nd: 3
Calculations Details
Average number of Android devices used in 1st shift Total Android devices used in 1st shift/Total number of 1st shifts.

2/2 = 1

Average number of Android devices used in 2nd shift Total Android devices used in 2nd shift/Total number of 2nd shifts.

1/1 = 1

Average number of Badges used in 1st shift Total Badges used in 1st shift/Total number of 1st shifts.

42/2 = 21

Average number of Badges used in 2nd shift Total Badges used in 2nd shift/Total number of 2nd shifts.

6/1 = 6

Average number of iOS devices used in 1st shift Total iOS devices used in 1st shift/Total number of in 1st shifts.

2/2 = 1

Average number of iOS devices used in 2nd shift Total iOS devices used in 2nd shift/Total number of in 2nd shifts.

3/1 = 3

Device Trend

This widget displays trends for both the type of devices and the total number of devices that were in use during the selected time frame. The timeline is adaptive based on the date range.

In this example, the device trends are displayed for a month. Click a legend to toggle the display. The Total legend is disabled by default. Click the Total legend to view the trend for the total devices that were used during the selected date range.