Nurse Detail

[Data Source: Engage] Lists the total events and events that are delivered. It also lists accepted, declined, and not responded events and its corresponding timestamps for a caregiver. You can further view the details of an individual unit, a caregiver, and a bed.

The information displayed on the screen is determined based on the filters that you apply. The available filters are:

Table 1. Filters
Filter Name Filter Description
Date Range The date range to include in the results. By default, the value is the current date; however, you can select from a list of options. For example, you can select the option "Last 7 days" or "Last 30 days."
Sources Used to filter Engage alarms and alerts data. For example Nurse Call, Patient Monitor, Report, and so on.
Note: This list is automatically updated when new integrations are added through the Vocera Engage Appliance.
Tiers Used to filter Vocera Engage alerts and alarms data based on using Escalation Tier information. For example, Tiers can be Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary.
Facilities Used to filter data based on user facilities (common facility name) specified while mapping Vocera Voice Server User Site and Engage Facility.
Units Used to filter data based on user units (common unit name). Common unit names are referenced from a crosswalk table cwunit that are mapped from Vocera Voice Server User Department and Engage Units.

The displayed units drop-down filter may be constrained due to the Facilities filter.

Unknown Unit or Department display data for all users that are not part of any department selected within the Facilities filter.

Beds Used to filter alarms and alerts data based on Engage Room-Bed names.
Nurses Used to filter data based on Engage nurses. Displays user login names.

The following figure displays a Nurse Detail report. Click on a unit name to drill down to view the list of nurses within the unit. To view the list of beds assigned to a particular nurse, click on a nurse name.

Delivery to groups will never have the correct response; that is, no response will be linked with an Engage appliance?

For example, alarm 1 is sent to group A.

Nurse Detail Data Dictionary

The following table lists the report parameters and its description.

Column Data Type Description
Event Count numerically-based Total count of the events that occurred within the time range specified for the report.
Delivered numerically-based Count of the events that were delivered to recipients, such as a clinician's smartphone.
Accepted numerically-based Count of the events that were delivered and accepted by recipients.
Declined numerically-based Count of the events that were delivered and declined by recipients.
No Reply numerically-based Count of the events that were delivered, but neither accepted nor declined by the recipient. No Reply indicates an event that is automatically escalated to the next tier.

Accepted Time (Sec)

numerically-based Total time for a recipient to accept the event notification.

Declined Time (Sec)

numerically-based Total time for a recipient to decline the event notification.

No Reply Time (Sec)

numerically-based Total time elapsed when a recipient does not reply to an event (usually prior to an escalation rule).

Event Delay (Sec)

numerically-based Amount of time an event may be intentionally delayed by a rule configuration.

Total Time (Sec)

numerically-based Total time between event creation and first accept/decline.