Troubleshooting Cross Walk

The information provided in this section helps you understand the scenarios that you must consider to troubleshoot cross walk mapping.

The considerations are as follows:

Verifying Cross Walk Configuration

Cross walk configurations should be verified to avoid configuration errors.

Run the following query in the Vocera Analytics database to detect incorrect configuration:

  '' || attr_name AS test_description,
  CASE WHEN actual_count = expected_count
       THEN 'PASS'
       ELSE 'FAIL'
  END AS result,
  actual_count AS actual,
  expected_count AS expected
    'CWFACILITY' AS attr_name,
    COUNT(*) AS actual_count,
    COUNT(DISTINCT common_facility_name) as expected_count
  FROM vocera_analytics.cwfacility
      'CWUNIT' AS attr_name,
      COUNT(*) AS actual_count,
      COUNT(DISTINCT common_unit_name) as expected_count
    FROM vocera_analytics.cwunit
) crosswalk_summary

The following is the result of the above query:

Note that the Result column specifies PASS to indicate that the cross walk table configuration is correct.