Inventory Status

[Data Source: Voice Server, VCS] Provides counts for devices that are active, inactive, and those in need of attention. Details include device owner facility, device owner group, device use status, MAC address, serial number, device version, last user of a device, user units, date last used, last device use location, days since last used, device label, and device status. Use this information to quickly review the asset status and general inventory for a selected organization or unit.

The information displayed on the screen is determined based on the filters that you apply. The available filters are:

Table 1. Filters
Filter Name Filter Description
Owner Facilities Used to filter data based on facilities (common facility name) specified while mapping Vocera Voice Server Owning Group Site and Engage Facility of the device.
Owner Groups Used to filter data based on Vocera Voice Server Group of the device. It displays groups, departments, sub-departments, and VMP distribution lists. The groups are filtered based on the Owner Facilities selected.
Note: Filter displays 25 groups sorted based on group name. The filter fetches groups based on the search criteria.

The filter also displays VMP distribution list. Filtering on such groups will not display any data.

Device Versions Used to filter Vocera Voice Server devices based on the device version. It displays the version of devices available in the Voice Server device management.
Note: Telephone is listed as both Device Type and Version in few dashboards.

This dashboard has the following widgets:

Summary by Owner Facility

The widget summarizes the devices that are active, inactive, and needs attention within a facility. The widget summarizes both the count and its corresponding percentage. Mouse over a displayed value on the widget to view the distribution of devices within a facility.

For example, in the following widget, let us consider the Global Owner Facility:
  • Total devices used: 10
  • Active devices: 3
  • Percentage of active devices: (3/10)x100 = 30%
  • Inactive devices: 1
  • Percentage of active devices: (1/10)x100 = 10%
  • Needs attention: 6
  • Percentage of devices that need attention: (6/10)x100 = 60%
The Summary by Owner Facility widget includes a contextual filter. Click an Owner Facility to display only the corresponding data in the Details widget. For example, click Global to display only the details of Global Owner Facility in the Details widget.
Note: By default, the Details widget displays the data of all Owner Facilities.


This widget summarizes the details of the devices for all the three states (active, inactive, needs attention) within a facility. Information is ordered by Owner Facility, Owner Group, and Device Use Status. Data is sorted by the device MAC address and includes a serial number, device version, label, device status, and tracking date. Last used information such as username, user facility, user unit, location, date, and a number of days since last use are displayed.

To search on a particular field value, use the Search field.